Toolbox Talk: Cell Phones & Driving
It is becoming more and more likely that the use of cell phones and messaging devices while driving will soon be prohibited in almost all states.
Recent studies have shown that the use of cell phones while driving contributes to 6 percent of all crashes, causing more than 2,500 deaths each year and more than $40 billion in damages.
The National Safety Council (NSC) has recently concluded that hands-free phones are no safer than hand-held ones and both are dangerous for drivers.
The study showed that using a cell phone, even a hands-free phone:
• causes more accidents and driving errors
• impairs reaction times
• slows down overall vehicle speeds
As a professional driver, your awareness of the problem is very important.
Points to Remember:
1. Allow phone calls to go to messaging, and find a safe place to pull over and stop, to then return the call;
2. Make your phone calls before or when you arrive at the job site;
3. If you have someone else with you in the truck, have them do the talking;
4. Drivers need to keep their attention on the task at hand (driving);
5. Avoid talking on your cell phone including hands-free, while driving; and
6. Remember, texting is never allowed while driving a commercial motor vehicle.