Toolbox Talk: Don't Get Hit By Falling Objects
Being struck by falling objects is a leading source of construction injuries. It is one of OSHA’s Focus Four hazards. Even a small object falling from a height can cause serious or fatal injuries.
Points to Remember:
1. Loads should not be hoisted or allowed to pass over people.
2. Loads need to be secured when lifted by cranes or forklifts.
3. Wear your hard hat as it can help minimize injuries to the head.
4. Toe boards are required on all scaffolding and open floors to protect workers below from falling materials.
5. Materials should be properly stacked and not leaning to prevent them from toppling over.
6. Tools used in elevated working areas need to be secured if close to the edges of buildings.
7. Look up before entering a building to see what is happening above your head. Look for scaffolding, lifts, cranes, and people working above you.