Toolbox Talk: Fall Protection Anchors
Anchors can be defined as secure points to attach a lifeline, lanyard, deceleration device, or any other fall arrest or rescue system. The structural steel of the tower will be the most common anchor point while on a tower. The minimum strength of the fall protection anchor structure depends on the type of system used, how the anchor structure is selected, and the number of personnel attached to the anchor. For fall arrest, the anchor point must be rated at 5,000 lbs.
The table below describes the minimum strength requirements for anchors that are either certified (those evaluated by a qualified person) or non-certified (those selected by a competent person). Definitions of “competent person” and “qualified person” and their roles in fall protection are given in OSHA regulations and ANSI/ASSE Z359.0.
Anchor strength values given below are minimum static strength requirements for one attached worker. For multiple-worker systems, multiply the minimum strength values above times the number of personnel connected to the anchor.
While working on project sites, a majority of your anchor points will be non-certified anchors.