Toolbox Talk: Fire Extinguisher Inspection


If employees use portable fire extinguishers to fight small fires, they must be installed in all areas of the workplace. To ensure each area is properly protected, ask yourself the following questions:

1 . Is the extinguisher readily accessible in the event of a fire?
2. Is the extinguisher fully charged and working properly?

Portable fire extinguishers should be inspected monthly and annually. A monthly inspection can be a quick check of the equipment or a longer process. The annual inspection should be a thorough inspection done by a qualified person.

Things to check in a monthly inspection:

1. Extinguishers are in their designated location and properly secured.

2. They are not obstructed for visibility and accessibility.

3. They do not have obvious physical damage, corrosion, leaks, etc.

4. There are legible operating instructions on the extinguisher.

5. Seals are not broken or missing.

6. Pressure-gauge readings are in the green.

Upon arrival at a new site, make sure you are aware of the closest fire extinguisher. If the extinguisher fails a monthly inspection, remove it from the site. Contact your shop or supervisor for a replacement.


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