Toolbox Talk: Housekeeping On The Job
Part 1
A project that looks clean with everything in its place is a SAFE job. Good housekeeping calls for just two things:
1. Keep trash and loose items picked up and dispose of them.
2. Pile all materials and park all tools and equipment where they belong when not in use.
Points to Remember:
1. Putting these rules to work is not always easy. Daily housekeeping is a must and a weekend grand cleanup utilizing a member from all contractors helps keep the site safe and ready for the next week.
2. Pick up loose items that are tripping hazards or that have nails sticking out of them.
3. Keep access areas to ladders, aisles, and stairs clean and clear of loose objects.
4. Keep walkways and floors clean of wet and greasy conditions to prevent slips and falls.
5. Keep loose items and debris picked up at elevated floors and roofs to keep them from falling or blowing onto workers at lower levels.
6. Stack like materials together in secure piles. Be sure they are stacked at proper heights to prevent tipping of the piles. Consider required access to piles for mechanical equipment if needed.
7. When storing materials on scaffolds and rooftop edges, make sure piles are secure and that worker access is given.
8. Make sure good temporary lighting is available throughout the job site and report or replace all defective bulbs immediately.
9. Wait for proper equipment when organizing or storing heavy material and debris.
It is not hard to keep a clean project if all useless materials, boxes, scrap lumber, and other trash are picked up and removed regularly. Remember that if they’re allowed to accumulate for even a few days, the job becomes messy and unsafe.