Toolbox Talk: Lead Paint Safety
Lead-based paint was used in and on many steel structures, bridges, tanks, towers, and buildings throughout the 1980s, and in some cases, even the 1990s.
During renovation, demolition, and/or repainting, construction workers are potentially exposed to lead-based paint hazards. Lead is a serious health hazard if it is inhaled or ingested.
Before beginning a maintenance or restoration project, conduct a risk analysis to determine if any of the material you’ll be disturbing has lead-based paint. Exposure to lead-based paint can cause serious problems for individuals and the environment.
Points to Remember:
1. When planning a project, assume the paint coating contains lead or other heavy metals. Proceed with caution until you have test results.
2. Project managers will have to take measures to control health risks and environmental impacts.
3. Any project that disturbs lead-based paint requires planning to ensure that the project complies with environmental and safety regulations.
4. Lead-based paint doesn’t have to be on the surface. It could be underneath layers of paint applied more recently.
5. Because of the toxic nature of heavy metals, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) have strict guidelines for environmental protection and worker health and safety.
6. As with any project, prepare, review, and sign a job hazard analysis (JHA). Protocols, procedures, and concerns involving lead-based paint should be discussed at regular safety meetings.
7. Rules and regulations for lead-based paint removal can be complex and may change frequently. Your contracts for a project involving lead-based paint should require the contractor to be responsible for identifying and complying with all applicable rules and regulations.