Toolbox Talk: Overhead Power Line Safety
Under normal conditions, overhead power lines are safe. However, construction work around overhead lines can be deadly if you don’t pay attention to the hazards associated with them. The minimum clear distance for overhead power lines is 10 feet for 50kV and 20 feet for cranes. Additional distance must be added for increased voltage.
Points to Remember:
1. Never touch a power line with your hands, poles, a stick, or any other object.
2. Most power lines are not insulated and offer little or no protection from shock or electrocution.
3. Do not touch or attempt to remove any object that comes in contact with a power line.
4. Maintain a clear distance of at least 50 feet from any downed power line.
5. When raising ladders or performing other work activities near power lines, use extreme caution.
6. Treat all overhead lines as hot.
7. Be aware of material and equipment that wind could blow into the power line.
8. If equipment comes in contact with power lines, shut down the equipment and wait for the power to be shut off.