Toolbox Talk: Safety Habits
Habits can be defined as the tendency or disposition to act in a certain way. If we are always alert, never let our attention wander, and remember to use all the safe practices and equipment required for a particular task, than habits are not necessary.
Circumstances arise for various reasons and complete attention is not always possible, however, under these circumstances, safe work habits really pay off.
Points to Remember:
1. Don’t be influenced by others around you who are negative. If you fail to wear your safety glasses, remember the blindness you may suffer will be yours alone to live with.
2. Be a positive part of the safety team and be willing to accept and follow safety rules. Encourage others to do so. Your attitude can play a major role in the prevention of accidents and injuries.
3. Practice good personal cleanliness. Avoid touching your eyes, face, and mouth with gloves or dirty hands. You may not be sure what chemicals are on your gloves or hands.
4. Only operate equipment if you are qualified. Your supervisor may not realize you’ve never done that job before. It is your responsibility to make the supervisor aware, so they can get you the proper training.
5. Ask questions if you are uncertain. Don’t accept answers that contain, “I think, I assume, or I guess.” You need to be sure.
6. Wear proper and sensible work clothes. You should have your feet fully covered. If you have long hair, it must be tied back, and don’t wear dangling jewelry or loose clothing to avoid getting tangled up in machinery.