Toolbox Talk: Steel Roof Decking
Many accidents that occur on decking are the result of falls that happen while stepping onto or working on unsecured decking that slipped out of place when fall protection was not provided or used.
Decking Precautions
• Develop a fall protection program before starting steel erection. Include all phases of the steel erection in the program and eliminate, to the extent possible, employee exposure to falls.
• Ensure that proper fall protection is being utilized while any erection work is being performed within two stories or 30 feet, whichever is less.
• Protect employees walking or working on surfaces with an unprotected edge more than 15 feet above a lower level from fall hazards. Use a guardrail system, safety net system, personal fall arrest systems, positioning device systems, or fall restraint systems.
• Make sure holes or roof openings are adequately guarded or covered.
• Mark the Controlled Decking Zone (CDZ) clearly so that employees who are not engaged in leading-edge work and properly trained in the hazards involved are prohibited from entering the CDZ.
• Ensure that no more than 3,000 square feet of decking is installed before being secured and attached to the structures.