Toolbox Talk: Worker Backed Over By Heavy Equipment
A 40-year-old construction laborer was killed when he was backed over by a rubber tire bulldozer. The victim was doing a grade check on a housing foundation at the time of the incident. The victim gave instructions to the bulldozer operator to back up and away from the housing pad to make room for the scraper to drop a load of dirt. He then walked over to the end of the housing pad to give directions to the scraper operator and to re-set a couple of ground stakes to indicate the level of dirt. The bulldozer operator and victim lost sight of each other when the bulldozer completed a "U" turn while moving in reverse. The bulldozer backed over the victim as he was setting the ground stakes.
Points to Remember:
1. Ensure communication systems are adequate for the task being performed.
2. Wear hi-vis clothing when working around heavy equipment.
3. Ensure heavy equipment operators do not back their equipment when there are workers on foot in the area unless there is a spotter.
4. Consider using additional safety devices for heavy equipment to warn workers of a backing vehicle and to warn drivers when someone is in their blind spot.
5. Consider installing equipment on bulldozers that would incorporate the use of a laser, GPS, or sonic-guided grading system.